Thursday, January 30, 2014

I am here.

I've done many introductory posts for various sites over my years of traipsing 'round the 'Net.  Can't say I've done one specifically for a blog, though....

Here I am?  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Unsure how often I'll post here and how active I'll be in utilizing this site's features.  I've many projects both on my plate and roasting on multiple backburners in my mind, all of which are pushed aside as dozens of Steam games (apparently) take precedence in my life.


Perhaps this will be (goodness, this sounds way too clichè...) "turning over a new page" in my life or something.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll get out of my lazy spell and actually complete one or more of those numerous endeavors.  *shrug* We'll see.  Time will tell.

Until I figure out where I put a bio for myself, I'll introduce my person to y'all here.

I'm a 20-something geologist that works at a copper mine out in the middle of the Arizonan desert.  I love the quiet isolation of this climate, but I've St. Louis Cardinals' blood running in me through and through. :-P  I'm originally from Missouri, and graduated from Missouri S&T (Rolla, for those who remember it that way) with a Bachelor's of Science in Geology & Geophysics, emphasizing in the latter of those two subjects.

For hobbies, I enjoy fencing, reading, gaming, thinking, arguing with myself, and music.  Being an Eagle Scout, I also enjoy the outdoors, though I don't have much opportunity motivation to go because of safety concerns (I live within a hundred miles from the Mexican border), wildlife hazards, lack of interested participants, and sheer lethargy.

Regarding beliefs, I'm a Protestant Christian, and my political inclination is Libertarian-Conservative.  My sources of inspiration and guidance, excluding God, include Paul the Apostle, Frederic Bastiat, Victor Davis Hanson, and Thomas Sowell.  Please, do not feel intimidated by those beliefs; if you want to discuss something of a political or philosophical nature, I'm all ears.  Can be completely opposite what I stand for, but I won't berate you at all.  I am awful at convincing linguistically, but I will certainly listen and evaluate what you have to say. :-)


- Alek

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